Friday 27 March 2015

How To Hide Drives in Your Windows Using Command Prompt

In this post you will learn  how to hide drives in your windows using command prompt

1.Go to run .
 2.Type "diskpart".
 3.Type "list volume".
 4.Now select the volume you want to hide by typing "select volume n"(n is the volume number against the drive you want to hide). eg: select volume 4.
 5.Type "remove letter Z"(Z is the drive name). eg : remove letter E.

Done, now check my computer. Your drive is hide...
If you want to show the drive again then repeat
step 1 to 4 then type "assign letter E".

 Now check my computer. Your drive is showing...


**Don't try with drive C **
 ** If you have locked something with Folder lock or other
 software then after assigning the drive everything will be
 unlocked ;)**

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