Sunday 21 June 2015

How to Access Gmail When You are Offline

Suppose, you are in a hurry to read an important email from your inbox.Then you, suddenly noticed your internet connection but it's not available at your home or office. Oops! You are stuck at your desk waiting for the internet connection.
Google is always familiar with the user-requirements and they offers useful services. That is why they included the offline feature in Gmail. Using this you can access your Gmail inbox offline. You can read the emails from your inbox without any internet connection. The offline mode also allows downloading the attachments at your local computer.
Anyone can enjoy the Gmail offline feature. What you need is a Gmail account and a short span of time to set it up for the offline mode as the offline mode is disable by default. Here is how to prepare your Gmail account in advance and access Gmail when you’re offline.
Note: You can use the Gmail offline feature only in Google Chrome browser. So, at first,install the Chrome browser if you do not have it in your computer.
How to enable the offline mode in Gmail
1. Sign into your Gmail account using Google Chrome browser and go to ‘Settings’ at the right-hand corner from the top and select the ‘Offline’ tab. Now, Click the ‘Install Gmail Offline’ link.
This will open the the Gmail offline app page in chrome web-store.
2. Click the Add to Chrome button and then the ‘Add’ button at the popped up dialogue box.

It will install the Gmail Offline app at your browser.
3. Open a new tab in your browser and open the installed apps in your browser by clicking the ‘Apps’ icon from the left corner.
4. Allow offline mail by choosing the appropriate radio button and hit ‘Continue’.
You are done! You can now see that your browser has started backing up your emails and attachments locally.
Configure the Gmail offline settings
After getting ready with the Gmail offline feature, you can customize the setting by clicking the Gear icon. Choose the time from when you want to download the emails for offline reading.
                                               Make it Simple

Wednesday 17 June 2015

How to Run Command Prompt Always with Administrator Privilege

Starting from the Windows XP, then in Windows 7 and now in Windows 8, some commands need the administrative privilege to get executed properly. In all versions of Windows, running the command prompt with administrative privilege is not so hard. You can do it by some few clicks.
The commonly followed way is typing ‘cmd’ at the start menu search box (in both Windows 7 and Windows 8) then right-clicking on the ‘cmd.exe’ from the search results and finally, choosing ‘Run as Administrator’. Isn’t it a long way. Better, there would be a one-click way. Here, at, we’ve brought a shortcut way to open command prompt in Windows always with administrative privilege.

Run Command Prompt always With Administrator privilege

All you need to do is to setup a shortcut of the command prompt in your desktop or at any preferred location so that the command prompt opens directly with the Administrator privilege whenever you click on it. Here is how to do it.

Create the Desktop Shortcut of the Command Prompt

Type ‘cmd’ at the Windows 7 0r Windows 8 search box. This will show the cmd.exe. Just right-click on it and then choose ‘Send to> Desktop (create shortcut)’ from the context menu. The ‘cmd.exe shortcut’ icon gets created at your desktop.


Force the Shortcut to Open Command Prompt always in Administrator Privilege

Right-clicking on the shortcut that you’ve just created at your desktop will open the command prompt but not with the administrator privilege. Here is how to force it.
Right-click on the shortcut and choose ‘Properties’.
The ‘Properties’ window opens up. You can see that you are in the ‘Shortcut’ tab, so, no need to change the tab. Find out the ‘Advanced’ button and click on it.
Now, in the ‘Advanced Properties’ dialog box, check the box ‘Run as administrator’. Click [OK], then again click the [Apply] button.
You are done! Next time, whenever you double-click that shortcut, the command prompt will be opened with administrator privilege in C: > Windows > System32 folder.

Sunday 7 June 2015

How to Remove “Earlier Version of Windows” from Windows Boot Menu

The term "Earlier Version of Windows” appears to the Windows boot menu just after you uninstall a Windows Operating System from a computer that previously had a dual boot configuration. Dual boot configuration can be found on a Windows PC when there are two separate Windows OS installed on a same PC. Whenever, you uninstall any one operating system, in the boot loader the option “Earlier Version of Windows” continuously appears. As a result of it, you have to choose the current operating system name each time you boot into your system. To bypass this annoying issue here I post a simple solution about how to remove earlier version of Windows from the boot menu.
The ‘earlier version of Windows’ option only appear if you have a dual boot Windows PC. The option will become useless only when you uninstall any Windows version among two installed OS. I have faced the problem even after installing a separate OS in the separate Windows drive. At the time of uninstalling an operating system I have formatted the associated drive completely. Yet, I get the “Earlier Version of Windows” option at the time of boot for several days.
There are several ways to remove earlier version of Windows option. This problem is very common and can be found in any major version of Windows e.g. Windows (7,8,8.1,XP,vista) and Windows server (2003,2008,2008 R2,2012) Here, I discuss two methods to remove Windows earlier version option.

How to Delete Unnecessary Boot Loader Options from Windows Boot Menu

Delete “Earlier Version of Windows” from Windows Boot Loader Using Command Prompt
At first, boot into existing Windows operating system and open command prompt with Administrator privileges. If you are a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 user then, in the search box just type “cmd.exe”, right click on the perfect finding and select “run as administrator” option.
Type bcdedit in the command window and press enter.
Boot Configuration Data Editor Tool is a built-in tool of Windows and is used to edit boot menu text, and manages your Windows boot loader. It can be controlled using bcdeditcommand.
Now, in the command window you will see “Windows Boot Loader” entry. Under description section you will find earlier version of Windows option.
To delete the entry you have to enter the below command:
bcdedit /delete {03f85bc7-2a1c-11e4-a669-a8a736dc67a4} /f
Just press enter button and this will immediately delete the entry. Windows will make you confirm with the following message – The Operation Completed Successfully.
Now, you will not see the boot option anymore after restart the PC.

Monday 1 June 2015

Use Laptop at Night With Ease For Eyes

Many of us are habitual of using laptops till late at night and we often don’t care about sleepy eyes. I myself feel much tired at moments when my laptop clock tells me that “It’s 2am” but since I am a computer enthusiast so often things are at zenith for me during laptop usage. Thus, as a result being so much curious about any thing which I am trying to develop over my laptop I never ever think to close the lid of laptop and take some rest for sake of my eyes. Since as per my opinion LED’s of modern laptops are not of that much harm to our eyes as compared to those traditional monitors which had those big picture tubes. However, still a rest of few minutes for the care of eyes is necessary instead of using laptop continuously without looking at the surroundings.
So, What to do when you are tired and still you want to use the laptop without the fear of looking at burning sun while sitting in the dark. I have a cool solution here in terms of a cool and handy software.
Flux – Software to make your life better:
I have been using this software since long time. This application has proved to safe my life a lot in conditions when I am feeling uneasy to look at my laptop screen because of the brightness. I don’t use this software for 24 hours, rather I just enable it for the time when I don’t feel satisfactory with the blue light being emitted from the LED screen of my laptop. This blue bright light is really irritating for me when I am tired and also at the same time I need to do more work.
You can download this software. After that just install it and it will detect your area of living automatically and if it doesn’t detect that, then kindly provide your area from the settings of this software.
 This software just makes the display of your screen more warmer and you feel more comfortable.
If you are doing color sensitive job then kindly tick the “Disable for one hour” to disable the application so that your display may again show original colors instead of warmer one.