Monday 1 June 2015

Use Laptop at Night With Ease For Eyes

Many of us are habitual of using laptops till late at night and we often don’t care about sleepy eyes. I myself feel much tired at moments when my laptop clock tells me that “It’s 2am” but since I am a computer enthusiast so often things are at zenith for me during laptop usage. Thus, as a result being so much curious about any thing which I am trying to develop over my laptop I never ever think to close the lid of laptop and take some rest for sake of my eyes. Since as per my opinion LED’s of modern laptops are not of that much harm to our eyes as compared to those traditional monitors which had those big picture tubes. However, still a rest of few minutes for the care of eyes is necessary instead of using laptop continuously without looking at the surroundings.
So, What to do when you are tired and still you want to use the laptop without the fear of looking at burning sun while sitting in the dark. I have a cool solution here in terms of a cool and handy software.
Flux – Software to make your life better:
I have been using this software since long time. This application has proved to safe my life a lot in conditions when I am feeling uneasy to look at my laptop screen because of the brightness. I don’t use this software for 24 hours, rather I just enable it for the time when I don’t feel satisfactory with the blue light being emitted from the LED screen of my laptop. This blue bright light is really irritating for me when I am tired and also at the same time I need to do more work.
You can download this software. After that just install it and it will detect your area of living automatically and if it doesn’t detect that, then kindly provide your area from the settings of this software.
 This software just makes the display of your screen more warmer and you feel more comfortable.
If you are doing color sensitive job then kindly tick the “Disable for one hour” to disable the application so that your display may again show original colors instead of warmer one.

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